Classes start from 12 weeks old until cruising/walking or when the baby is really becoming mobile, (this time frame can vary greatly from baby to baby). You don't need to have any experience of yoga to enjoy Baby Yoga together.
Although the class is aimed at babies, it also incorporates gentle postures and stretches for the parent and an opportunity to learn to relax with your baby, something which is so often overlooked in the modern world.
Touch, alongside movement and deep relaxation allow for new and exciting experiences for both baby and parent in a uniquely calm environment.
Classes are offered on a rolling half-term or term-by-term basis. See our Timetable page for term dates.
baby yoga
12 weeks to cruising/walking

Time to bond with your baby is a fantastic experience for all parents. Bonding while helping them to develop and helping you to relax at the same time is even better!
Baby Yoga is specially designed to nurture and nourish the natural development of your baby with the use of standard yoga moves adapted specifically for babies.
As you would expect with yoga, it works on the development of physical milestones such as sitting, crawling, standing and walking. It also goes further to ensure balance within the body and aid the progression to voluntary movements as the baby grows. Flexibility is maintained and increased in the spine and joints, blood flow is enhanced and the digestive system improved.
Alongside the physical aspect, a large amount of neurological benefits are identified. The nervous system works extremely hard in a baby and yoga runs in harmony with this to improve coordination, align hormones, enhance communication, contribute to brain development and improve sleep patterns. A baby has a hundred billion neurons within its body that are waiting to be stimulated, we just need to help them!
In each class a foundation of trust between the baby and parent is established and deep-rooted relationships are formed, helping the baby to become self-aware and gain emotional security throughout childhood and later adult life.